Sunday, November 23, 2008

Labor Day Weekend 2008

First let me preface this section by saying, I will be back blogging for a while and I apologize. My goal is to get the blog updated before I go back to work:) I had hoped not to ever get this far behind, BUT with the birth of a baby, things change. Anyway, we were able to spend Labor Day weekend in one of our most favorite places, San Diego, CA. We would love to find a way to live there and be close to the beach all the time, but just haven't quite figured out how to swing that. Our sole purpose for the trip was to go to IKEA and pick up a few last minute items to finish babyizing the house. We had to basically move around the whole upstairs by putting the big girls together in a room (again-and they weren't real excited about it), build a loft for them, get Jaryn's room together, and get my craft/scrapbook/jewelry making area in the loft organized. As you can see we did enjoy some wonderful time at the beach, but we also spent many hours at IKEA getting all the things we needed. At this point we figured we had a good 6-7 weeks before she would arrive. HA HA!

We drove down in our friend Gina's Expedition and she rode with us. Unfortunately, as you can see there was only room for two on the way back-good thing she had already purchased her plane ticket back to Las Vegas!
Darrin, Gina, and Daniel at Mission Beach. We had been out there ALL day until dark and enjoyed every minute of it.

Watching the sun go down is always a beautiful sight!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


For the past two days I have been trying to figure out why our comment section wasn't working, but I think I finally got it. Yesterday Chris (thanks so much!) helped me for a while and then today when I checked it there was still a problem. I think it is finally fixed right! So if you feel like leaving a comment, give it a shot, it should work correctly.

Monday, August 25, 2008

THE BUMP! Pregnancy Update! 32 weeks and counting...

Here it is-the PREGNANCY picture! We are now at 32 weeks and counting. In approximately 8 weeks we will have a little girl! I have had a rather uneventful pregnancy. I didn't experience morning sickness and aside from a nasal drip that began a few months ago I have felt really good. My ankles (I refer to them as cankles right now) began swelling last week and resembled a can of bisquits bursting open, but after keeping them elevated, staying off of them, and getting plenty of rest, I was back to normal for this first day of school. The Dr. seems pleased with the progress and now that I'm going ever two weeks, it is becoming more and more real that she will be here soon. Tonight I went with one of my friend's to a yoga class for pregnant women. It was a lot of fun and quite relaxing. My friend is expecting twins! It seems like I've had a lot of friends that have had babies recently or are expecting in the near future. I guess the good news is we can provide support for one another.

We did decide on a name but I'm not going to post it just yet, because I'd love some feedback on the spelling. If you take Darrin and put a J on the beginning of it you would have the name of our daughter. We don't want to spell it Jarrin. So if you have any feedback on a more girly spelling, email us. We are hoping to find a way to spell it that will produce the least amount of mispronunciations throughout her life. Hmmm...I guess with a name like "Jura" you sort of get used to being called everything but the right thing. Last week I was "Hura," "Juna," "Jurah," and even "e-jooorah." Go figure!

Aug. 25, 2008 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing...

Samantha starting Kindergarten!

Payton on her first day of Kindergarten!
Today summer came to an abrupt end with the start of school. Samantha and Payton began fourth grade. This is one of those years that bring back many memories for me. I'll never forget my first year teaching in Las Vegas in 1998. I worked at an "at risk" school and never will forget the fear and nervousness I felt as I walked out onto the playground to round up about 34 fourth graders. I had one rather large girl at the front of the line with her arms crossed across her chest and the minute I spoke she said, "you country ain't you?" Let's just say that was not only a year of learning for my students but also for this born and bred Kansas native.

The girls were very excited to get to school this morning and meet their friends from the previous years and embark on yet another school adventure. It is hard to believe how much they have grown up. Yesterday wasn't quite the ending we hoped for as far as summer was concerned. They got in big trouble for being mean to one another and cutting the hair on a doll. I'm sure if you know the girls very well you can only imagine who was cutting hair! HA HA! A hair stylist in the making. Darrin quickly let them know the ground rules for this upcoming school year, reminded them who was in charge, had a little "come to Jesus" conversation, and then the girls wrote essays about just exactly what their expectations are at home and school. Hopefully that will help get the school year off to a good start. I guess time will tell and we will see. The pictures below were taken this morning. The pictures above were Kindergarten pictures. Amazing how quickly they grow up. We were laughing this morning after we dropped them off b/c in five or six short years we'll be going to the first day of Kindergarten all over again with two in high school. Are we crazy or what?

The Buddster!

We absolutely love our dog, Buddy! He is such a great part of our family and always happy to see us. We get a big kick out of his favorite position! He loves to roll over on his back and stick his chest and belly in the air. It seems like everytime he does it, I can't get to the camera fast enough, but this time I just so happened to have my camera phone close by and could snap this classic Buddy picture. This afternoon we combed him and after combing and combing we decided to break out the vacuum and see if we could suck some of his hair off. He hates the vacuum cleaner to begin with, so with much bribing of his favorite treat,a Twizzler, we were able to get him to hold still for a few minutes while Darrin got busy. As soon as we were done he took his Twizzler and ran to the landing on the stairway as if to say, "I've had enough, now leave me alone." If dogs could just talk for one day...

The Twilight Series!

Yes, I am another sucker! A few weeks ago while we were in St. George, UT looking around the book section of Walmart, Darrin mentioned this series to me. I had read a little about it in some magazine, but when I heard it involved "vampires" I was immediately turned off. Needless to say a few weeks later I am now reading. Although, I don't have much time to read, I try to get in at least a chapter every day or so. I'm just about to embark on Chapt. 16 and hopefully before the weekend I will be through the book so I can start on the next book while riding in the car to San Diego. Yes, I too am totally taken by Edward-oh he is so smooth!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Poppa!

Grandma and Poppa came to visit for Poppa's 60th birthday weekend. They were able to enjoy a beautiful suite at the Monte Carlo hotel and we were all able to go to dinner at Louis's Fish Camp on Poppa's birthday. For his birthday, we sent him and Lyn to the Cirque de Soleil show, KA, at the MGM Grand hotel. They had a fabulous time and we were able to enjoy getting to see them and spend time together as a family.
Grandma Lyn with the girls!
Poppa with his two favorite girls, Samantha and Payton!
Darrin with his Mom and Dad on his Dad's bday, Aug. 9, 2008.

Kansas Trip July 30-August 4th

I decided that this will be the last time I get to go "home" to Kansas without a baby in tote. I had a couple weeks of vacation left and decided my cravings for homegrown garden vegetables had overcome me and I NEEDED to go home. I try to go home at least once a year and typically it is in the summer when I have more time off. Darrin had to stay in Las Vegas and work and the girls were with their mother, so I decided to make the trip solo. I flew on a regular jet to Denver then rode on a little 19 seat prop plane to Garden City. Needless to say by the time I arrived I was in tears and not quite sure if I was going to puke or not. It was the worst and most choppy flight I've ever taken. I don't know if it was a combination of being 7 months pregnant or just feeling like I was on a neverending roller coaster ride. It certainly isn't something I would choose to do on a regular basis.
It was so nice to see my family. My dad is 75 years young and amazes me each and everyday. He has the best memory and works circles around people half his age. He and my mom garden ever summer and on Saturdays he takes cleaned/bagged produce to the local Farmer's Market and sells it. I was so excited to get to each fresh homegrown tomatoes and cucumbers. I think I ate tomatoes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They were so delicious and absolutely hit the spot. My mom and I enjoyed taking a card making class together at the local scrapbooking store and learned a new dry embossing technique. I was able to visit with my sister, Jana and her husband Clifford and their girls, Mackenzie and Caylea. We enjoyed a nice Sunday dinner as a family and a game of BINGO. I was also able to go with my dad to visit some of their friends at the rest home and go to church with them on Sunday and see many old friends.
I enjoyed lunch at "El Zarape" mexican food place with my good friend Steph. We were able to catch up on our lives and old friends. It was great to see her and she looks so good! The fair was going on while I was home, but I didn't make it down this year. It was rather hot and humid and I seemed to keep myself very busy getting my mom and dad set up with their new computer and wireless network. On Sunday I was able to visit my good friend, Karen. We always seem to pick up right where we leave off and stayed up talking until 5 AM, but it was so nice to get to see her and her girls.
What a fun trip and many great memories. I enjoyed getting to spend so much time with my mom and dad. It was a taste of nostalgia being at home by myself. In just a couple months my life will dramatically change. As the due date approaches our anticipation and excitement grows. We are so ready to meet this new little life. I am so excited that my parents plan to be in Las Vegas for her arrival. Hopefully they will choose to stay for a while and help me adjust to being the mother of a newborn.
Me with my good friend Steph!
Mom and Dad with me before I left to go back to Las Vegas, NV on Aug. 4, 2008. Being 7 months pregnant and flying aren't necessarily the best combination!
Me and My dad when I arrived in Garden City at the airport on July 30, 2008
My dad standing next to the cucumber plants and under the HUGE sunflower that grows in the backyard garden.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuacahn Trip

An intense Monopoly game! Oh and is that a Starburst Samantha is eating? HA HA
Tuacahn entry

Jura and the girls on the way into the play

Payton and the girls from Les Miserables!

We decided we'd have one last family weekend trip before I start back to work and the girls go back to school. The Oasis up in Mesquite, Nevada offers CCSD teachers a free 2 night stay so we figured we'd take advantage. Although it is no five star hotel, it made do for a couple nights and allowed us to have some fun with the kids. Friday night we found a great little Chinese food place in town to have a deicious dinner and we had taken the new Monopoly game with us to play back at the hotel. The new version uses a debit card type system instead of the actual money that ends up getting lost or torn, so we tried it out. The girls had tons of fun bidding against us for properties! It was a fun night of playing games and eating junk food. Shhh...did I just say that? Saturday we slept in then drove over to St. George and walked around the outlet mall for a bit. We then had dinner and headed up to Tuacahn. This is a beautiful outdoor amphitheater set against the red rocks. We took in the evening performance of Les Miserables. It was absolutely wonderful. It was a bit hot, but nothing we aren't used to. If you haven't ever visited, I would highly recommend. I can't believe I've lived out here ten years and NEVER gone. We will certainly be going back, maybe next time earlier in the summer or early fall when it isn't quite as hot. I'm headed to KS tomorrow to visit my family, the girls are at their mom's for the week and Darrin will be busy working here. Two more weeks of vacation for me and then back to work:)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Oh the joys of cleaning!

One might ask just exactly why there is a picture of my callused right hand and a vacuum cleaner. Well I'll tell you why. I've been complaining about the two vacuum cleaners we've had for months on end. I'm sure Darrin was SO tired of the constant complaining. It seemed like no matter how much I vacuumed it still wasn't clean, or at least not to my standard. Yes, the DOG, our beloved Buddy is a constant source of hair. So my loving husband read all he could and researched through his consumer reports magazines and found that the Kenmore Progressive Direct Drive Intelliclean vacuum was high on the charts. I guess Kenmore has had some good vacuums for almost the last eight years. So we drove over to the Sears Grand and had a look and guess what, IT WAS ON SALE! Now for any of you who know me, that is a good thing because I am a shopper but I almost always buy on sale and especially big ticket items. I of course wasn't quite ready to make the purchase and needed a few days to think about it, but by the middle of the week we went back and purchased. WOW! What a great vacuum! Now I'm not getting any kick backs from Sears for writing this, but if I could...Anyway, yesterday we cleaned AND cleaned AND cleaned. This vacuum has a sensor on it that only gives you a green light AFTER the carpets are clean. And all this time I THOUGHT they were clean... It was a LONG day (10AM-11:30 PM before I finally sat down) and lots of hard work and as you can see by the calluses I've got on my hands no fun, BUT I'm happy to say I feel like the carpets are finally truly clean. Now we should be ready for the carpet cleaners to come on Tuesday! After everyone's hard work (the kids and Darrin worked their tails off), we are off to Mesquite and St. George, Utah this weekend to enjoy some family fun at the pool, hopefully a movie and/or bowling and an outdoor theater performance at Tuacahn of Les Miserables.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer Fun

Summer has finally arrived at last around here! I only say that because until this week I had been working pretty much full time except for a few days in Chicago. This past weekend we (Darrin, his mom, Lyn, and myself) embarked on the ever horrible task of having a garage sale. Ugghhh...what a yucky task, but one that must be done. For the last several months I have been trying to slowly clean out all the cabinets and closets and get stuff set aside for the big sale. We have so much stuff in this house it is almost unbelieveable that two people could possibly have so much, but we have and do. So in order to make room for a new little person, we decided to purge what we could and get ready. While all of this was going on we discovered that the downstairs AC unit had quit working. After a few phone calls it was determined that the compressor had gone out and the earliest it could be fixed was Monday. Hmmm...go figure! So we went a head with our garage sale and endured a horrible day of heat on Saturday. We didn't get rid of any of the big stuff and only made $250, so we decided to open the doors again on Sunday. According to the weatherman the temperature was supposed to be at least 10 degrees cooler and overcast. Well luck was with us and Sunday was great! All in all we made $575 and we got rid of all the BIG stuff! Thanks to Darrin's mom coming out from Chicago we successfully had another garage sale. Every time we do one we swear we won't do it again and two years later here we are! This time I'm not saying that because I know with a baby on the way we will certainly need to purge again sometime in the next couple years!
Now that I am officially on vacation for a few weeks, I figure I'd get all those things done that have been on my "TO DO" list. I have about decided that it is a good thing I work, because when I'm home all day I'm not the most productive person. Monday of this week was an absolute bust and I didn't even get out of my pj's till about 8PM that night. Tuesday we got up with a plan that included swimming, cooking dinner, being home for the AC repairman, laundry, etc. Darrin reminds me this is what summer is about-relaxing, enjoying the kids, sleeping in, staying up late, etc. Well that would all be totally acceptable EXCEPT we have a lot of things to get done in less than 3 months before the little one arrives, so all I can think of is how I'm going to get everything done. So for any of you moms that have been there, done that and have some advice-send it my way! I'm just a "nesting" pregnant lady trying to get ready! Below are some pics from this week of summer fun!
Hamburger Casserole Recipe
1.5 lbs of lean hamburger
2-3 potatoes
1 med. onion
1 can green beans or frozen corn if you prefer
1 can cream of celery soup
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
seasoning to taste
This is a super easy recipe that the kids can help prepare. First peel the potatoes and then thinly slice and layer in the bottom of a greased casserole dish. I usually sprinkle them with a little salt and pepper after I have them in the dish. Next chop your onion and brown with hamburger. I season my onion and meat with garlic powder, season salt, and pepper. Next open a can of green beans and drain the juice off into a bowl where you can mix the juice of the green beans with the can of cream of celery soup. If you use frozen corn which I have used as well, just mix water with your cream of celery soup to dilute it a little. Next layer your corn or green beans on top of your potatoes, followed by the hamburger/onion mixture. Take your cream of celery soup mixture and pour over the top of the hamburger and then put a layer of grated cheddar cheese. Once this is all layered pop in the oven for 45 min. to an hour until your cheese bubbles at 350 degrees. BAM! Dinner!

Here is Samantha layering the ingredients into the casserole dish. All of these pictures are real high quality b/c we grabbed the closest camera we had-our iphone!

Payton was helping season the hamburger. Not a very glamourous shot of the two of us in swim attire and just coming home from the pool, but we had fun making dinner!

When we came home from the pool on Tuesday, I decided I'd cook dinner. This was probably the first homecooked meal we've had in two weeks, so as soon as I started Payton came in and wanted to help. Once Samantha saw how much fun it was and how much attention Payton was getting she decided to jump in on the action. Here they are cutting up the green beans for the casserole. I didn't notice the Raid can still on the counter until this picture came out. We have had to deal with those pesky little black "sugar ants" this summer and have always had the Raid within and arm's reach-hmmm...maybe I should put it under the counter! DUH!

Samantha decided it was time for some nachos!

Here the girls are hanging out at the pool, enjoying a break from the heat!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

3 Year Anniversary! NBA Summer League Game

Happy Anniversary! We just celebrated our 3rd year of marriage. It was a wonderful day and we got to spend time with family and friends. We enjoyed an afternoon NBA basketball game and then came home to hang out with the girls and some friends. The adults enjoyed a 5+ hour game of Phase 10 and the kids had fun playing the Wii! Darrin and I can not believe it has only been three years since our HOT July 12th outdoor wedding. We have been so blessed and looking forward to many more! My mom and dad called that morning to wish us a Happy Anniversary and my dad reminded me that in 48 more years we will be caught up with him and my mom who just celebrated their 51st anniversary! Thanks for the inspiration Dad!

This is a picture from the NBA summer league games at the Thomas & Mack/Cox Pavilion on July 12th! A friend of ours had tickets and invited us to go. We went to the afternoon game of the Denver Nuggets and Charlotte Bobcats. It was very fun and nice and cool compared to the horrible humidity and heat outside. We've been dealing with the annual monsoon season the last few days, so it was a nice indoor activity!

The Line and The iPhone 3G

Darrin with his new phone! We are both enjoying the new phones!

This is the line outside the AT & T store at Boca Park that had almost 200 people by the time they opened at 8 AM on July 11th. As many of you know Darrin is crazy about keeping up with the latest technology and when he read about the new iPhones coming out a year ago he had his heart set and the waiting began. He made arrangements with a friend to go sit out all night so he could make sure he got us each a new phone on Friday morning. (Thanks, Daniel!) I helped him pack up some chairs and he took a cooler with drinks and snacks and they began camping out at 2:00 AM in spots #10 and #11.
I hadn't really paid attention to the whole craze, until about two weeks ago when he got me to watch a 30 minute informational video on the capabilities of the new phone. Needless to say I was completely hooked and couldn't wait until they came out. We decided since our anniversary was coming up on July 12th we would plan on getting new phones this year! Thank goodness for a husband who keeps up on technology and keeps me in working order! I'm loving the new phone! Thanks D!

Monday, July 7, 2008

We were able to enjoy a nice family dinner at Claim Jumper restaurant with Uncle George and Aunt Tete and Grandma and Poppa. What a wonderful trip and great memories!
In four short months I will be doing this on a full time basis. I was trying to figure out just how to help Adam get comfortable. He was soo cute and smelled so good. His long eye lashes and thick dark hair was so sweet. I can't wait to see how those motherly instincts kick in;)

Adam smiling at Payton! She's going to be a great helper when our little one arrives soon.

Saturday we were lucky to get to go visit our friend's Dave and Carmen and meet their newest precious addition, Adam. He was almost two months old in this picture and was sooooo cute. He absolutely LOVED Payton.

We went to Navy Pier where we were able to see a fabulous fireworks show on Fourth of July Eve a Chicago tradition. Darrin was able to take some awesome pictures!

The "world's smallest sundae" was a big hit and what made it even better was that they got to keep a souvenir sundae dish so we can recreate these at home!

The girls loved that we each had to wear a goofy looking hat while we had dinner.

We had fun going to Ed Debevic's 50's Diner for dinner. The girls got a kick out of the waiter and waitresses who were very loud and rude! They really got a laugh when the sweaty waiter sat down and squished mommy into her seat while he took our order.

We all enjoyed watching the different street performers on our walk from Grant Park back to our hotel. This is not something we get to see too much of here in Vegas.

Buckingham Fountain

These were homemade potato chips from Harey Carey's. We got to try all kinds of different things that we don't normally get to eat including pierogis, ratatouille, and pad thai. It was fun to get to "taste" such different foods from other cultures.
We've tried to make it to the Taste of Chicago for four years and finally got there this year. It was a beautiful day-sunshine and about 75 degrees-almost chilly to us in the shade. We couldn't have had a more perfect day.

This was a strange sculpture we came upon as we walked through Millenium Park on our way to The Taste of Chicago at Grant Park. The interesting thing about this was there were no visible seams anywhere on the HUGE sculpture. It was fun to walk around it and look at our reflection.

This was the morning after our first day in the city. The girls were beat and had a hard time getting up for DAY 2 in the city.
We forgot to take our white out so the girls got to leave their mark on their chairs. This was so fun b/c where do you actually get to write on the furniture? They loved it!
The mouthwatering tomato sauce is soooo delicious. We have special ordered it and had it shipped before but of course they don't ship the sausage patty -only the pepperoni, crumble sausage, or cheese:( Maybe someday??
No matter how hard they try they just can't resist giving each other those silly bunny ears.
Samantha had fun digging into her slice of deep dish pepperoni pizza-the ooey gooey kind you can't eat without a knife and fork.
The fun thing about this restaurant is that the kids can actually write on the walls. They had fun writing on the walls and going to see where their daddy wrote on the walls many years earlier. Granted it was now covered over by other writing it was cool to see where "dad" left his mark.
Gino's East was the chosen place for dinner. My mouth had been watering for the sausage patty deep dish pizza for months.
On Wednesday, we took the train downtown to Union Station and then took a cab to our hotel on Michigan Ave. We stayed at the InterContinental and had a nice room with a great city view. This is a picture of Darrin and the girls on Michigan Ave. about to embark on our walking adventure to find our next food favorite! If you can't tell, we look forward to the food in Chicago. YUMMMMMMMM!